Recent content by willcrt

  1. willcrt

    WTS turquoise seahorse statue

    Sure np. Send me a pm when you are online. Van/sandan on discord
  2. willcrt

    WTS turquoise seahorse statue

  3. willcrt

    WTS turquoise seahorse statue

  4. willcrt

    WTS 10k dono coins @ 180k per 1k

    2k left!
  5. willcrt

    WTB Donation 180k & Taming SS 240k And Valorite bods!

    Let me know when you are online
  6. willcrt

    WTB Donation 180k & Taming SS 240k And Valorite bods!

    Still need dono?
  7. willcrt

    WTS 10k dono coins @ 180k per 1k

    pm me or reply this thread if interested
  8. willcrt

    WTS Rare colored dragon and deep water dragon

    This guy hasn't the best stats but looks cool. Let me know if you are intersted. Dex will increase till 100. Pm me or reply this thread with offer. -
  9. willcrt

    WTS .

    Still having those fletching ss? i buy them
  10. willcrt

    what about this pets...

    Hi guys, i have this 3 pets and i dont know which one is the best and how much can they cost. Im not planing on sell them but it really help me to know what are the bases to know which one is the best. Thank you so much for your help :)
  11. willcrt

    Blue Sea horse Statuette

    Cool. Thank you guys for the help.
  12. willcrt

    Blue Sea horse Statuette

    I just got this statuette from a leviathan. Thanks for the help.
  13. willcrt

    Blue Sea horse Statuette

    I was wondering what these sell for?
  14. willcrt

    WTS Selling These 120 + 115 P/s

    i already got the lore 115, but still need the 115 taming PS.
  15. willcrt

    WTS Nightmare

    hits 513 str 516 pm me or reply this thread :)