Recent content by Vagingo

  1. V

    Short and Long Term Murder Counts!!

    ah so no one getting pked here is the system working. well even in osi tram it was much much harder to make gold than it is here because there was so much competition for spawns. even buying regs was very hard there. this server is a cakewalk to make gold even compared to trammel on osi.
  2. V

    Short and Long Term Murder Counts!!

    here i would and it would take under an hour to gain 3 points in each skill prolly even with poisoning. on osi you wouldnt because skills were very hard to gain and you couldnt afk macro (most pvpers werent even 90 resist). the system didnt work well there because there were hardly any pks...
  3. V

    Short and Long Term Murder Counts!!

    perma stat loss would prolly be better for reds than the system now. perma stat loss on osi wasnt 40 percent like the stat loss here it was a few percent depending on how many shorts you had. could prolly macro it up in an hour.
  4. V


    the crime has to be committed inside the guard zone for the guards to help you.
  5. V

    lets discuss thieves risk

    that is their child
  6. V

    lets discuss thieves risk

    what do u mean of course they take the monsters gold and resources and he will never even be able to res.
  7. V

    lets discuss thieves risk

    i think the obvious solution is stat loss for everyone when they die since what does a provoker or tamer risk when killing innocent monsters in their own homes?
  8. V

    lets discuss thieves risk

    i think the real thing being overlooked is the begging skill. talk about no risk. its too overpowered.