Recent content by T Brackenbury

  1. T Brackenbury

    New to this shard but not to the game

    Instead of asking why my experiance is not going well I get Attacked by cyber TROLLS... THE Game is ok But Has its cheaters like all games. So Here goes, I was young for 3 days Not much time to gain much skill . So Hanging around britian trying to gain skills But guess what you have...
  2. T Brackenbury

    New to this shard but not to the game

    these resonces are exactly what I expected. I was on the VERY FIRST TEST ONLINE GAME OF ULTIMA. Guess you missed the part that I also played the VERY FIRST ULTIMA THAT WAS NOT ONLINE BEFORE THIS ALL STARTED... I really dont appreciate strangers that DO NOT KNOW ME AT ALL TELLING ME IM...
  3. T Brackenbury

    New to this shard but not to the game

    ever stop to think I was amongst those that SOLD MY ACCOUNT FOR 500 BUCKS. dont judge others.
  4. T Brackenbury

    New to this shard but not to the game

    I started playing U/ltima back in the 90s before it came online. when they expanded to become Ultima Online I was amongst the first people playing during the test fase and continued playing for several years until the cost to play using real money got out of hand. people selling their accounts...
  5. T Brackenbury

    I'm From Sonoma Back in the day.. I'm back!! Hit me up if you are an OG from UO Sonoma

    I'm From Sonoma Back in the day.. I'm back!! Hit me up if you are an OG from UO Sonoma