Recent content by sparc

  1. sparc

    WTS Max Storage 13x17

    LOL @ forum rage above.
  2. sparc


    Wow, a max storage won't go for 750K? This is interesting.. Good luck OP.
  3. sparc

    WTS Ultimate Starter House - SB 50k, BO 100k

    What is Paws? I want to join.
  4. sparc

    WTB Bulk Boards / Logs

    Got a location? I am not seeing any board vendors near the Brit stables. Anyways, still buying.. PM me..
  5. sparc

    WTB Bulk Boards / Logs

    PM me your price.
  6. sparc

    WTB Greater Poison & Greater Cure Kegs

    I grabbed another keg.. thanks :)
  7. sparc

    WTB Greater Poison & Greater Cure Kegs

    Thanks.. Let me know if you re-stock Greater Poison.
  8. sparc

    WTB Greater Poison & Greater Cure Kegs

    Please PM me with your price & quantity you have available.
  9. sparc


    Vendor not even there anymore.
  10. sparc

    WTS Waterfront 18x18 Destard Swamps

    Ghettos of Detroit = Destard Swamps? Apparently these motherfuckers have never seen some real fucked up shit.
  11. sparc

    Mature Plants - When to switch to decorative mode?

    Will it start to wilt if I don't water it & address fungus, bugs.. etc?
  12. sparc

    Mature Plants - When to switch to decorative mode?

    Ok, so after I harvest the final seed on day 17.. then I have 24 hours to set to deco? What happens if I don't?
  13. sparc

    Mature Plants - When to switch to decorative mode?

    So when they're produced ALL their seeds.. do they wilt & die immediately after.. or do I have 24 hours to put them into decorative mode? I would like to keep my plants in their full figures. Thanks.
  14. sparc

    Growing Hedges or Buying Hedges ??

    Anyone have some information on hedges? I understand how to grow standard plants.. just haven't found information on hedges.