Recent content by Lordomatic

  1. Lordomatic

    WTS Talisman XP Relic - SOLD

    PM me when you would like to do the exchange.
  2. Lordomatic

    WTS Talisman XP Relic - SOLD

  3. Lordomatic

    WTS Talisman XP Relic - SOLD

    I have a Talisman XP Relic 79 Minutes, expires 4/17/2018 12:28:31 AM Any offers? Shylok
  4. Lordomatic

    WTS Ratman MOTM Spellbook (Not Blessed)

    No. Not blessed.
  5. Lordomatic

    WTS Ratman MOTM Spellbook (Not Blessed)

    Hi! This is my first sell post so please be patient. :) I'd like to sell my Ratman MOTM Spellbook. Starting Bid: 200K Increments: 5K Buyout: 350K
  6. Lordomatic

    Unwrapped Present

    I know when Freddie died man.... ;)
  7. Lordomatic

    Unwrapped Present

    I like your avatar...
  8. Lordomatic

    PC Black Spellbook (unblessed)

  9. Lordomatic

    PC Black Spellbook (unblessed)

    Hey I picked this up some time ago during an invasion event. Just wondering, what is it worth? Is it rare? First time I've ever seen one but I mostly stick to low level mobs so what do I know? :D If I click it it just says: Spellbook 0 Spells Thanks!
  10. Lordomatic

    Looking for Repond Katanas...

    Looking for Repond Katanas...
  11. Lordomatic

    WTB Repond Katana

    Hey all, I'm looking for Repond Katana(s). Thanks! Shylok
  12. Lordomatic

    Stealing, 0-GM: An Easy Graphical Razor Macro Guide

    Worked like a charm. I used lockpicks in my house from 57% to 100% in less than 20 hours.
  13. Lordomatic

    Old player returns

    Hey there, My main is Shylok. I used to play on Atlantic and then Siege (as Shylok - Merchant of Vesper). I have to say the community here is very different from the old days and I like it! Shylok