Lockpicking Kit

Alabama Man

I read somewhere that there are player made lockpicking kits to train with. What do these kits consist of? Also, if anyone has one of these kits for sale please PM me with price.


You use Lockpicks only to use the skill - lockpicking "kits" are probably boxes (with keys) that are made at varying levels of Tinkering, so there's a different skill level required to successfully pick them open. This is so you can use them each in turn to raise your skill from 50-55, 55-65, 65-75, etc..

They shouldn't run you more than a few hundred gold but I haven't seen many for sale, so they could easily run you several thousand gold each. It's not that they're rare or hard to make, but having to have varying skill levels to craft each one, makes them fairly limited, and as I said, I haven't seen many for sale. Try the buy forums maybe?