Guide: Power Scrolls and Skill Scrolls


Power Scrolls increase the max skill level that a skill can be raised to, otherwise known as the skill cap, which stops at 100.0 skill. There are four levels of power scrolls:
  • 105
  • 110
  • 115
  • 120
Each of these must be used in ORDER to get from 100.0 (GM) skill to 120.0 (Legendary). There is a caveat which is that before you can use a power scroll for the next level, you must max out that skill first. So before a 105 PS can be used, you must be GM. To use a. 120 PS, you must first be at 115 skill.

Power scrolls can be obtained via Champion Spawns and monster bash events. In the case of a Champion spawn, the power scroll will appear in the player's backpack upon Champion death (power scrolls are distributed based on damage to champ and champion related Monsters). For a period of time, power scrolls and Skill Scrolls were available via puzzle chests and lockpickable chests in Khaldun (low chance), but this has since been changed.

Skills With Power Scrolls:
  • Animal Lore
  • Animal Taming
  • Blacksmithing
  • Carpentry
  • Fishing
  • Lumberjacking
  • Mining
  • Peacemaking
  • Provocation
  • Tailoring
  • Tinkering
The first skill that a power scroll pushes above GM (100.0) will actually raise your skill cap from 700 to the level that that first skill is at(up to 720). Only this skill can go above GM without requiring points from the original 700 skill point pool. This only occurs for that first skill, subsequent Skills do not raise the skill cap further.

Skill Scrolls yield a +1.0 increase in whatever skill the scroll is labeled for. They are commonly used to raise skill above 100.0 (GM) and up to 120.0 (legendary), instead of training that skill, but they only give whole points so if you are at 114.1 -- a skill scroll will not bring you to 115 as that would bring your skill to 115.1 (where your max is 115). In this situation, you will need to train that skill to 115, or lose 0.1 points and then use a skill scroll.

There are skill scrolls for nearly every skill, ranging from the overpriced Animal Taming skill scrolls to the(almost) worthless Camping skill scroll.

Although any monster can potentially drop a Skill Scroll, the most farmed ones are (but not limited to):
  • titans
  • liches
  • Lich lords
  • balrons
  • ancient wyrms
  • Evil Mage lords
  • blood elementals
  • terathan matriarchs
  • ophidian matriarchs
  • ophidian zealots
  • orc mages
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Is this up to date. I use this as a guide.
I don't see inscription on this list.
Sorry for the necro.
Seems to be relevant still. I know I have found scrolls on some of those creatures, it would also be fair to say that they can drop on other creatures too. Look for magic ones :)

Josh D

I have never seen one on Ophidians, but I can confirm that skill scrolls drop from Ogre Lords and "magical" rat men (the ones wearing a red vest).


Thank you guys for your response.
I guess I was more concerned with the list of skills that are associated with power scrolls.
Example Inscription is not listed as a skill that uses power scrolls. I was wondering if there are other skills not listed in this post.
I have learned a lot from your responses .
So thanks again :)

I use to enjoy fighting Ogre Lords. I would like to buy a rune to those.
PM plz :)
So you can only ever have a total of 720 skill?

You can not make a tamer with 120 lore and taming to total 740? Would you have to use one to get to 720 and then drop 20 of another skill for the other?


So you can only ever have a total of 720 skill?

You can not make a tamer with 120 lore and taming to total 740? Would you have to use one to get to 720 and then drop 20 of another skill for the other?
120 Taming
120 Lore
100 Magery
100 Vet
100 Music
100 Provoke
80 Meditation

Is the commom/standard provo tamer template. You can have 6 120 skills and no 7th skill for 720 total points.