Returning player questions


Do evil mage lords still drop skill scrolls?

What should bards be hunting? Still Bally and AW?

What the fuck is a meta?

Relics drop on Monster of the Week, but are there any prerequisites?

How to go about fishing now? I used to simply do SOS and ancients. Is there more for a group of 2-3?

Are warriors viable for high end PvM now?


Do evil mage lords still drop skill scrolls? Yes

What should bards be hunting? Still Bally and AW? Still a good option

What the fuck is a meta? Go to uof wiki. Butt essentially extra powerful long grind pets

Relics drop on Monster of the Week, but are there any prerequisites? No. Just need to get lucky.

How to go about fishing now? I used to simply do SOS and ancients. Is there more for a group of 2-3? Still possible search wiki for whirlpools for a more group fishing experience.

Are warriors viable for high end PvM now? Can be.


Damn, thanks man. Adult and concise responses. Coming back after three years is a shell shock. I see alchemy dexers are slightly dominant in PvP. Can dexers do well on CHAMPS?

What are the other high end boss encounters? I'm just tired of being a bard and tamer for the high end shit. Wouldn't mind being a PvM mage or parry dexer


for melee pvm you want to go talisman. You can basically do on par with a top level tamer with a top level berserk talisman with each one having it's situations where they are better.