Mitigate Flame Breath Damage?


Hi, is there any way to mitigate Flame Breath damage from dragons, drakes etc.
Sometimes when I'm trying to provo two dragons they both flame breath me and I
die immediately. Any tips on this? Thanks.


I have never seen a dragon do over 41 hp fire breath, so either keep yourself healed up to 100 or run quicker :)

You could para one of them and then keep out of its reach until you can provo again.


Dragon breath in PvP is a bit of a ***** since you can "prime" your pets to have it loaded, and they hit within 1/10s of each other.


ive been hit for massive damage by dragon breath. Its infrequent but you got from100& health to like 30% in an instant. I could be wrong though, maybe its something else doing the damage.
Try to aggro them separately, so their flame breaths are out of sync.

ie.: Attack the first one you see from max range so it attacks back, then run between it and 2nd target and Provo them up.