Make max storage housing upgrade attainable and free up spots.


Lets face it. UO is an item based game, doubly so with no item insurance. we all have to stockpile items so that we have backups when we die. Right now, I have my main house which is a small sandstone in a great location, and 2 larger plots that sit empty with chests on them as storage.

A great way to free up empty plots on the server would be to make it easy and cheaper to upgrade storage on houses. I know that you can get 5% storage for 500k or something like that, but for that 500K, instead of going from 500 lockdowns to 550 in my sandstone, I can place 2 max storage plots and go to 4100.

If I could upgrade my small sandstone to max storage (1800ish) for the same price as placing 2 empty plots, I know that I would do it and drop or sell off those other plots.


At first I like this idea, but then I think, what would be the point of owning larger houses? There is the decor aspect and safety aspect, but really people want large houses for the storage. Enabling smaller houses to have max-storage storage would ruin the market for larger houses unless we made the cost of that upgrade (maxing out storage in a small) to be prohibitively expensive.


what would be the point of owning larger houses?

I thought about this, and here is what I have come up with. To start with, I would say make the storage increase smaller. Keep it like it is now, 50% of the placed houses total storage, but make it much more affordable, say 1 million instead of 5 million gold. (looking at this as someone who works full time and has a family, I am able to play 5-15 hours per week depending on the week. I have to donate for coins and sell them off to see any real wealth. Am I willing to spend $50 to make my game more playable? Absolutely. Am I willing to spend $250? Nope.)

As for the large house issue; Is having the shard full of large homes that important? There are multiple threads trying to tackle the problem of the shard looking dead with all of these massive plots sitting empty or with only chests on them. With a 50% storage increase available for a million gold, I feel that it would cut down on the number of houses that the average player needs to keep for personal use, while maintaining the want for rich players to own 3 max storage plots.

There are plenty of items for sale on the gold sink and donation vendors that players want to save up for to flaunt their wealth in the game. This isn't one of those items. It directly affects the playability of the game and quality of life of players on the server.

Lady Macbeth

Not that I disagree your suggestion but I'm also thinking Please don't be a hoarder in virtual life and increase the world saving time... I beg ya!

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