Search results

  1. Thryn

    WTT [Got it] MY Ethy Boura for YOUR Charger of the Fallen

    PM me baby. Edit: Got it, thank you!
  2. Thryn

    WTS Selling - White Ethereal Boura - 2.75m s/b, 3.75m b/o.

    As title. SB: 2.75mil BO: 3.75mil Auction ends 24 hours after the SB has been met.
  3. Thryn

    WTS Bulk full KEGS!

    I've recently added a THIRD location for my Bulk Keg vendors! I am currently stocking at GoonGlow, Dwyane Wade's Ocllo Vendor, and now the Minoc Gate Vendor House! Vendors are named Hero's KEGS! All vendors are stocked 2-3 times a day (or more based on need) to ensure all your thirsts are...
  4. Thryn

    WTB BUYING - Bulk Bottles - 5gp Per - Needs LOTS!

    Beep boop PM me!
  5. Thryn

    WTS Donation coins - 200k per 1k!

    PM me or post here! :)
  6. Thryn

    WTB +1 Taming SS - 140k each - Need 10!

    PM me!
  7. Thryn

    WTS [Selling] Donation Coins - 200k per 1000!

    PM me! Plenty available.
  8. Thryn

    WTS [Selling] 5k Donation Coins - 200k per 1k.

    PM me! :)
  9. Thryn

    WTS [SOLD]

    15 EX Horned Leather Sleeves 20 EX Spined Bone Arms 10 EX Horned Leather Studded Tunic 15 EX Horned Leather Cap 20 EX Spined Leather Studded Tunic 20 EX Spined Leather Leggings Come and get 'em!
  10. Thryn

    [Selling] THREE T5 Cloth BODs, +1AnimalTaming SS

    15ex Horned Leather Helmet - 100k 20ex Spined Studded Tunic - 100k 20ex Spined Bonr Arms - 100k AnimalTaming+1 - 155k
  11. Thryn

    Welp, that's all for me!

    Hey friends, Long story short. Last night I hung out with someone whom claimed they were a real life friend. Added me to a party. Said they were him. Hung out for like 4 hours. Talked, acted, and reacted like they do. Spent donation coins like he would have. We put him together an outfit...
  12. Thryn

    WTB [Buying] LONGSWORDS: +25/+20 VANQ/POWER

    PM me with what you have and I will respond with an offer!
  13. Thryn


    PM me with how many you have and sell me them. I'll buy them all!
  14. Thryn

    WTB [Buying] 40k Boards - paying 3g/per.

    PM me :)
  15. Thryn

    [Selling] Donation Coins - 160k per!

    PM me with how many you need!
  16. Thryn

    WTB [CLOSED] BOD: 10-count NORMAL Studded Armor.

    PM me!
  17. Thryn

    [Selling] 5yds Ice White 20k/yd, 5yds Fallon 50k/yd

    Pee Emm me. <3
  18. Thryn

    [Selling] 5yds Ice White (1150) Cloth - 100k

    PM me :)
  19. Thryn

    [Selling] Clothing Bless Deed - 170k

    PM me :)